About us

EDUCAN is the leader in the markets for dog training, behavior modification and training trainers. However, this would be valueless if it had not been achieved in the right way.

EDUCAN has reached this privileged position thank to its R&D&I effortsdeveloping innovative protocols both for training and modifying behavior. Such protocols are founded on and take advantage of up to date scientific knowledge about how dogs and other species learn, feel, and relate with their conspecifics.

We believe in originality, sustained effort, implication and honesty as the foundations of the professional exercise of any activity. Thus EDUCAN is a firm that DOES NOT exploit its workers, DOES NOT play around and DOES NOT cheat.

How we see things

What makes EDUCAN stand out?

A company should generate wealth. Hence its objective cannot only consist of seeking economic profits at any rate. Corporations should create value, in the sense of improving social wealth by creating more resources than they destroy in the course of their activity. This rule becomes imperative if a sustainable and ethical social functioning is to be achieved.

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Working professionally with dogs

The training and behavior management of dogs are first aid services to ensure the quality of life and welfare of our four legged companions. This social needs requires actual professionals because without them nobody would be able to invest the time and resources necessary to sort out the most complex and difficult cases, which are precisely those that require more assistance

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What is our definition of “making a good business”?

At EDUCAN we only think that a business is good if all the participants are better off. When benefits are gained at the expense of one of the parties involved, it is an abuse, speculation and cheating rather than a good business. We are not at all interested.

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We think that competition is good, they give us the incentive to roll up our sleeves and stay up to date on the latest research available, with regard to the design of new services and to price competition so that the latter continue being appealing for customers. Healthy competition prevents competitors from becoming idle thus giving rise to a marketplace which is both dynamic and effective

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Our trajectory

In 1991 a small group of trainers considered that it was necessary to change the traditional way of training and so we started out to share our concerns working together to find alternatives that could answer the need to integrate dogs healthily and happily in their respective families.

As a result, in 1995, we became entrepreneurs and founded a firm that today is one of the technically finest companies all over the world, as well as the biggest and most important in this industry in Europe: EDUCAN.

Our team is a world pioneer in the development and implementation of the cognitive-emotional work. As a result of these efforts two books, “Adiestramiento canino cognitivo-emocional” and “Tu perro piensa y te quiere: entrenar perros no es como te lo habían contado” have been published so far.

We are also proud to have introduced assistance dogs to persons with disabilities in Spain. In this regard we have been the first Spanish dog training firm which has delivered dogs to various groups.

In this regard our work has been given recognition by ASPAYM (Association for Paraplegic People and People with Great Disabilities) where we have been official trainers. We have also cooperated with similar organizations like AEDEM (Association for People with Multiple Sclerosis in Madrid) or FAMMA (Federation of Associations of People with Physical Disabilities in the Madrid Region).

The results in sports tournaments also endorse our work. Numerous sportsmen and women have got into the Spanish and World championships in different disciplines like IPO or Agility.

No other training firm has a comparable record in so many disciplines and with such homogeneous results in all of its delegations.

Cooperation agreements

Given the excellent results of our R&D&I we are frequently called to cooperate with other important entities to launch major projects. Among them these are some of the most important cooperation agreements we have entered so far:

INCUAL: National Institute for the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
European Social Fund
Madrid Regional Government and Madrid Institute for Education (IMAF)
Regional Government of Andalucia
Vasc Country Government
Spanish Army
Investigation Police from Chile
Alcorcon local government
Many more local governments (Majadahonda, Leganés ...)
Universidad de Sevilla (Medical School)
Universidad Alfonso X el Sabio (School for Veterinary Medicine)
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Faculty of Psychology)
UNED and Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (School of Medicine and Faculty of Psychology)
Universidad de Jaén
Universidad central de Ecuador
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Universidad de Granada (Faculty of Psychology)
Universidad de Zaragoza (School of Veterinary Medicine)
Universidad Internacional de Andalucía
Zoos Ibéricos
Semper Fides. Santiago de Chile.
Adiestramiento canino Cimarrón. Buenos Aires
Adiestramiento canino Caricias Caninas. Buenos Aires
Marketti events. Quito
Foundation Instituto San José
Foundation Joserra Uriarte
ADACEA, Association for Acquired Brain Damage
ANAVET, National Association of Veterinary Assistants
SAMU Foundation
San Pelayo Special Education School
Ruser geriatric
ADCA, Association for Acquired Brain Damage
Residencia López Barneo
Association for Animal Protection “El Refugio”
Association for Animal Protection “Todo Golden”
Association for Animal Protection “Nueva Vida”



EDUCAN Community

More trainers have studied at EDUCAN than at any other firm. Those who have understood the importance of taking advantage of the cognitive, emotional and social abilities of dogs or other species in the course of training share a strong sense of community. They have a common goal: overcoming important technical and conceptual difficulties to avoid the demagogically simplistic approach advocated by others.

At the EDUCAN Community we all share a common frame of mind, a similar approach to training problems and we confront analogue difficulties and challenges when we tackle them.

Hence we have created meeting points and forums that enable us to share our progress, hesitations and doubts, as well as our instances of success.

Forums for the promotion of networking and communication among professionals who have a common background acquired at EDUCAN and depart from the same tenets characterizing the cognitive-emotional approach to training. In this way we can all benefit from the experience of individual trainer involved, and support one another.

It is a Facebook group where all former students from our professional courses are accepted.

In this group there is an exchange between seasoned trainers who share their experience and consistent work, on the one hand, and newcomers who provide new impetus and the latest information available, on the other hand.

All problems can be overcome when both groups cooperate.

To newcomers the group provides a secure environment where they can progress feeling understood and assisted by friendly colleagues.

Lab for Ideas, an EDUCAN Facebook Group

Follow us on Facebook. EDUCAN Facebook site is the most popular one among those managed by dog training firms. If you like us and stay connected you will receive timely information about all the activities we schedule at our different venues and delegations, the various courses and seminars and of course you will also be able to read the feedback of all our students.

It is as easy as it gets!

EDUCAN Facebook

The Green Box is the blog written by our CEO, Carlos Alfonso López, who has authored the books "Adiestramiento Canino Cognitivo-Emocional" and "Tu perro piensa y te quiere. Entrenar perros no es como te lo habían contado".

In the Green Box Carlos periodically discusses the last trends in cognitive-emotional training, presents new proposals to streamline the functioning and profitability of dog training firms, and submits different ideas on how to apply basic scientific breakthroughs to training.

Each promotion of graduate trainers at EDUCAN has a facebook group of its own what enables them to keep in contact, communicate easily and share their progression and concerns.

… because it is not only with dogs that we establish affective relations!

Every day new trainers join the cognitive-emotional revolution, particularly in South America. Thus in order to fake it easy for students to keep in contact and facilitate ther acquisition of knowledge we organize different activities which can be followed through streaming. Students can actively participate in real time, thereby fuelling a fluent exchange of ideas.

Because there are not borderlines when we share the same passion and concerns.



Dolphins, sea lions and other relatives

EDUCAN’s world leading position with regard to the design and implementation of cognitive-emotional animal training is not confined to dogs. We also work with dolphins, sea lions, parrots, prey birds, cats, horses and companion pigs.

In all our projects we strive to improve the welfare of all these animals through training. We give preference to quality of life over any other consideration such as the appeal of the trained behaviors. We simply teach animals those behaviors that help them to be happy.

Compared to traditional associative learning, training and behavior management based on the cognitive, emotional and social abilities require a more prolonged initial training phase. This stems from the need to adapt the working protocols to each of the species concerned. However, once this phase has been covered our training model enables us to assess and to streamline emotional states, to reduce distress levels and to improve coping skills in all individuals, as well as to assess and favor positive emotional states and to keep track of the emotional welfare of the learners in a reliable manner.

There are further advantages to cognitive-emotional training: it requires fewer working sessions to maintain the results achieved, the improvements are quicker, the training is more stable, the animals have more fun, and it promotes a strong and sound emotional relationship between trainers and nonhuman animals.

So if you are a professional trainer working with any of the mentioned animals or with a different exotic species and you want to learn to exploit their cognitive, emotional and social abilities do not hesitate to contact us. It is the best for them

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Business opportunities

Opening an EDUCAN delegation

EDUCAN delegations are the sole and exclusive representatives within a designated area where they offer dog training and dog behavior management services. Opening a delegation is a safe and consistent business option to put your hands and your mind at work where your heart belongs.

To open an EDUCAN delegation you first need to take our courses to become a professional dog trainer and a specialist in behavior management, pass the exams and obtain a favorable report from the director of the course. Subsequently we require our delegates to engage in continuing educational programs and, needless to say, conscientious management with regard to the quality of their job. We only want the very best.

It is much more than a franchising agreement.

Studying with EDUCAN

The simplest option to improve your professional results is to enroll in our courses. We are the most recognized school for dog trainers and we will provide you with a wealth of up to date theoretical and practical knowledge to empower you to exert as a trainer effectively and with reliable quality.

More information about our courses

Organizing educational programs with EDUCAN

If you are currently running a dog training center or a center for educating dog trainers you can count on us to teach various seminars, courses and specialties thus enabling you to update and broaden your knowledge in those areas of interest while you have a good time and earn some money by organizing this event for other trainers within your area of influence. And everything comes with the didactical guarantee from EDUCAN.

EDUCAN for professional dog trainers

